After over 60 hours of cutting, modding and engraving, the last part of the last case was finally completed on the scheduled day of delivery. As per the original design brief, each case is the same yet individual.

If you look closely from above, you will see that Micke varied the placement of the S3 and VIA logos. Far from a mistake, this was a deliberate ploy to generate a Hollywood-style double take from people. Rather than four identical, the fourth case tricks their brain into thinking "hang on a second mate!", triggering them into looking at the sponsor logos more closely. A bit underhanded but I'm told it has already worked on several people, so why not?
Needless to say, the girls were very pleased with their new toys. Here is an excerpt from
Trito's blog entry from 10 April:
Today we got our new computers up running and the installation of the S3 Chrome cards and the other hardware went smoothly. Smoothly is also how Quake 4 is runing on my new computer. When the computer and Quake 4 was installed it took me a couple of minutes to do my settings and I could connect to a server and play a duel.
Except from the fact that our new computers run Quake 4 very well, the cases look so awesome thanks to GoTaLL. The hardware is nicely installed and a pink light is glowing inside the cases making the gaming room cozy. The room look so chromey right now and it really inspires me to play.
We wish the girls all the best of luck with their tournament commitments in 2006 and hope their achievements can further spread the word of competitive gaming to girl gamers everywhere.
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